How To Make a Pocket Shot Slingshot

  • If you have been around the world of survival for any length of time then by now, you are aware of these awesome little devices called Pocket Slingshots.

    They usually look something like this:

    Now, these can range in price depending on where you get them. However I have personally used one before and I recommend that everyone have at least one of these in your bug out bag, survival bag or use as EDC (Every Day Carry for all the novices out there).

    These are extremely versatile and not only can you do damage to a predator but you can also do some stealth game hunting as well. Think along the lines of squirrels, rabbits, animals in that size range. Now I know it looks like a toy but it's not. In fact shooting a small marshmallow out of this thing at a friend will leave welts on them simply due to the speed at which they travel.

    So what we are going to do is teach you how to make one of these amazing slingshots from things you may have around your home or from things that are very inexpensive to purchase.

    So sit back and relax and keep reading to find out more on how to make this bug out survival item.

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    1. George Kolankowski said:

      I’ld rather carry a few feet of surgical tubing in the car/truck . So much easier and can be used for siphoning as well .


