How To Know When Prepping Has Gone Too Far

  • How can you tell when you've become too obsessed with survival prepping? It might be helpful to have someone hold you accountable, but if that's not an option for you, then these signs will help you out of the survival prepping rabbit hole. You don't want to spend your daily life and your entire bank account planning for a disaster that has a low chance of occurring. Just as with anything else, there's a healthy limit to the level of survival prepping that will keep you ready and equipped without dominating your life.

    When Does Prepping Go Too Far?

    Because everyone is going to have different skills, tools, resources, and levels of assistance when it comes to a disaster situation or the end-times. Some people may only have/need a single backpack to ditch town with, other people may have a pickup truck full of gear, supplies and loved ones. It will vary for every person and every situation.

    When someone’s persecution complex starts hampering his or her day-to-day lives it is a problem. Generally, there are a few signs and symptoms of a prepper gone overboard, telltale indications that someone is infringing upon extremely paranoid territory.

    This is the most common issue when it comes to over-prepping. Because it is easy for people to get carried away when they are thinking about their own safety. But if you go broke and end up homeless and starving on the street because you spent too much on survival gear and went bankrupt, that in itself is a pretty big survival fuck-up.

    Stockpile Overload:

    Do you have an entire Costco in your garage? Do you honestly think you’ll live to eat it all before it is stolen from you or before you decide to move on? If you are in a neighborhood or city it’s simply not reasonable to have a stockpile of food large enough to feed the population of Bangladesh.

    When You Become a Criminal:

    I know that laws and regulations can be a pain in the ass. And I know that sometimes breaking a small law in a little way isn’t that big of a deal when you are doing it to ensure your own survival. But when you start illegally excavating in your backyard to build an unsanctioned nuclear bunker you are going too far.

    You Are Missing Out On Life:

    This is perhaps the most important symptom of over-preparedness on this list. Because if you are so worried about the apocalypse or natural disasters, or civil unrest that you let it start hampering your experience as a human being, you have a BIG problem. Preparation is only a means to ensure survival so you can continue to enjoy your life.

    Too Many Weapons:

    Realistically a person can only hold two knives or two guns or one of each at once. A person can only carry one or two rifles. And a person can only carry so much ammo… which means that if you have a garage full of handguns and assault rifles and pallets on pallets of ammo, you are probably way over-prepared (and way over budget). There are thousands and thousands of survival scenarios someone can get stuck in, but I can only think of a handful where a gun would come in handy, and fewer still where you’d need enough guns to rob Fort Knox.

    What are your tips for recognizing when survival prepping goes too far?

    Article Source: Survival Life



