How To Build a Wooden Alternator

  • As a survivalist, your first priority is to ensure that you can remain self-sufficient and safe in any situation. Your preparations might include a stockpile, arming yourself or researching alternative sources of power. In this day and age, technology allows us to be more independent than ever before, which is why homesteading and living off the grid are becoming increasingly popular. What are some projects you could complete to increase your chances of survival, particularly in the case of a disaster?

    This DIY wooden alternator provides you with power in a clever way. Many of us may not like to mess with electricity since it can lead to unfortunate accidents. However, if you follow the directions and take precautions, this project could prove essential to your lifestyle. The wooden alternator takes about 2 days to construct and costs $130 between the magnets and magnetic wire required. After that time, your hard work could provide you with a new and innovative source of energy.

    Continue reading to view the process and steps for constructing this wooden alternator!

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    1. R Mike Frederick said:

      Interesting project that might be good to get a thorough understanding of how alternators work. Just be sure to build it while there is plenty of fuel for the generator to run the large power tools needed to fabricate it.

    2. Henry Huarte said:

      …Interesting study would be to find out the effect of magnetic field on termites…

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