How To Build a Proper Quarantine Room For a Pandemic Threat.

  • While I hope with everything inside of me, this never happens we must prepare either way. With airborne illnesses being what they are it's hard to control them once they are released. As much as we can try once something hits the air, it's tough to keep things contained. That is why we are looking at this next project which will combine some slight engineering.

    1. If possible, the quarantine room should be located away from the main living quarters. If you have a shed in back or a barn, use this as your quarantine room. If this isn’t possible, use the basement or a room that is furthest from the main living quarters.

    2. Choose a room that does not require the infected person to go traipsing through the entire house. A room with a door to the outside is ideal or at least fairly close to a door.

    3. Store enough thick ply plastic sheeting and duct tape to cover the entire room in plastic. You will want to cover the ceilings, walls and floors with the plastic sheets. Secure it in place with duct tape. Don’t be stingy. Cover the vents and doors as well to keep the virus contained in the room. You don’t want it spreading throughout the rest of the house.

    4. Have a trash bin inside the quarantine room, lined with heavy dutybio hazard liners. This is where you will dispose of any bedding, gloves and other protective equipment before you leave the room. This trash will need to be burned and not left outside to be spread about or rummaged through. If the area hasbio hazard pick up available, leave it to the experts to dispose of.

    5. Set up an area outside the room that will be used to don protective gear. Gear that will need to be stocked next to the area includes;

      Before a person enters the quarantine room, they need to put on all of their gear.

    6. Inside the room, you will also want some form of sanitation. The sick person will need to be kept clean. Moist towelettes, emesis bags, bedpans or a portable toilet and a change of clothes will all help keep the room sanitary and the sick person somewhat clean. A wash basin with antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer will also be required.

    7. Have red tape or a quarantine sign on hand to put up on the door of the room. You don’t want anybody walking in by mistake.

    8. Before an ill person enters the quarantine room, they need to strip and shower with an antibacterial soap from head to toe. All of their clothing needs to be placed inside abio hazard bag and burned. Set up a camp shower outside for this purpose.

    9. Have enough medical supplies on hand to treat an infected person. Depending on what kind of virus or illness spins out of control into a pandemic, fever reducers, pain relievers and bandages may all be needed.

    10. Use a box fan in the window that blows air outwards, this will create a negative pressure room that sucks biological contaminants outside.

    The most important thing to do is to try and keep everything contained. Separate the sick person from the rest of the group immediately and make sure that you take all precautions to ensure that this person does not come into contact with any others from the group for fear that they will infect the.


    Source: Homestead Prepper

    One Comment;

    1. David Flud said:

      Lol just set everyone you meet on fire with a flamethrower. That will keep the bugs away lol


