How To Build A Cast Iron Kettle Fire “Pit”

  • The central piece of this project is something that was purchased from an antique store however if you are super talented at DIY and want to create your kettle, pit and other containers then that would be great as well!

    Step 1: Find Something To Contain The Fire

     I was able to find an antique cast iron sugar kettle at a local farm auction. I felt a little guilty spending $150 dollars on it, but later doing some research, I found that they can go for several times more than that, so I felt a lot better. Some fire pits are actual pits that are in the ground. It makes sense. I however, wanted to have mine suspended from legs. I found some great spring harrow tines that came with the chisel points at a nearby farm equipment salvage business for $7.50 each. I scrounged up the steel pulleys out of a junk pile I have on my farm and the steel used to make the brackets for the pulleys was also sourced from a pile of scrap. The wooden wagon wheels were actually given to me by a friend of mine I go to church with. That pretty well sums up the materials I used for this project aside from two bolts and nuts that I used to hold the pulleys into their brackets.

    Step 2: Tools Needed

    • Oxygen/Acetylene cutting torch
    • Welder (Oxy/Ace could be used but electric welding is much cheaper)
    • Angle Grinder (I used both 4 1/2″ and 9″)
    • Electric Drill and/or a Drill Press
    • Cable Puller
    • Adjustable Wrench
    • Black Smith Hammer
    • C Clamps
    • Square
    • Tape Measure

    Step 3: Hanging Your Kettle

    On the rim of the kettle there were two pegs that are used to hang the kettle over a fire. I  used these pegs to suspend the kettle from the frame and legs assembly. This is a simple way of hanging the kettle and allows it to swing slightly inside the frame. The pulleys that I salvaged fit nicely under the pegs and the only problem was getting them to hold securely to the legs for the frame. I started with 1/4″ plate steel and traced out a shape onto the steel and cut it out with the Oxy/Ace torch. I ground the edges smooth and then used that piece as a stencil to cut out three more. I used a drill press to drill a hole in each of the plates where a cross bolt would go between two pieces and through the pulley. All four plates were lined up and bolted together then I ground all the edges smooth so that the four pieces were identical. Two back plates were cut and welded in between the side plates. The two assemblies were then welded onto two of the harrow tines to be used as legs.


    Step 4: Sizing The Wheel 

    Be sure to get the correct measurements for this part or you will end up with a frustratingly long process!


    Step 5: Attaching The Legs

    The best I could do was eyeball straight out from the hanging pegs on the kettle and mark with a soap stone where the legs with the pulleys would be placed. I decided that the top of the wheel rim would look nice if it were level with the top of the bracket holding the pulley. With a small square I marked a line even with the top of the pulley bracket. Then I just went back with some more geometry, figuring the circumference of the rim and dividing that by four to determine where the last two legs would be attached. I measured around the rim 1/4 of the circumference either direction from the two legs with the pulleys and finished welding the last two legs into position.


    Once all of that is done all you have to do is attach the kettle and you are done! A fully functional fire “pit” that you can enjoy for years to come. Now all you need to do is call up your friends, fill the kettle and start your fire and you will have the makings for a perfect night!!




    So tell us what you think! Would you make one of these?

    Source Instructables




