Here Are 5 Ways to Build A Homestead Without Purchasing Expensive Land

  • Below are 5 different ways to find land that can support a homestead lifestyle. They're all a little different and will appeal to different individuals based on wants and needs. Hopefully, you'll realize that you don't need to shell out a large sum of money to make your homesteading dreams a reality!


    Plenty of people take the obvious route: securing a lease. Given the time required to build a business from the ground up, you’ll want one that lasts at least three years. Also worth a look: lease-to-own options. Refer to Land For Good’s tutorial and the Sustainable Agricultural Land Tenure Initiative at Drake University in Iowa. Absolutely consult a lawyer.

    Land Trusts

    These nonprofits prevent market forces from driving farmland prices above their agricultural value, often through conservation easements. Then, they sell or lease that protected land to farmers for pennies on the dollar. Learn more at or locate a trust in your area at

    Land Transfer

    Transfer networks match retiring landowners with young farmers and help them navigate a transition of ownership. Yes, you’ll have to submit to some mentoring, but the opportunity to snag land on the cheap and learn directly from someone who has literally been there can prove a boon for beginners. The Center for Rural Affairs maintains a list of such programs.

    Farm Incubators

    These organizations provide land and guidance to hopefuls with at least three years of farm experience and a solid business plan. Check out the Farms Program at Vermont’s Intervale Center and the Farmer Incubator Program at The Land Connection in Illinois.

    Farm Management

    Universities, nonprofits, community groups, even restaurants might hire a farmer to oversee their crops. While these positions allow for a certain degree of autonomy, the manager ultimately answers to someone else. Browse the listings on

    Are you considering a move to a homestead? What resources have you used to make the transition easier?

    Article Source: Modern Farmer


