Get Rid of any Body Soaps That Contain These Ingredients

  • It's ironic to think that the body wash or cleanser you use to clean yourself with could actually be harming your body. And the truth is, not only are these ingredients bad for us, but they're bad for the environment as well. It's best just to steer away from them and find a more natural alternative. There are plenty out there! After taking a look through this list of harmful chemicals, you might find the urge to make your own soap. It's actually fairly easy and inexpensive to do so.


    This is actually a pesticide! So-called “soap” manufacturers added it to their soap products so they can state the soap is “antibacterial.” Triclosan is terrible for the environment and is one of the toxins to blame for the recent resilience of bacteria.  More importantly, it is a known endocrine disruptor.  Breast cancer, anyone? Imbalanced hormones? The FDA has finally banned triclosan from use in cleansers, however, companies have several years in which to get rid of it from their products.

    Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS):

    SLS is one of the worst chemical agents in “soaps” these days.  Not only is it carcinogenic, it is able to be absorbed into your skin very easily. It may cause skin irritation, mood disorders, promotes storage of toxins in your cells, and like Triclosan, is a hormone disruptor. 


    First of all, everyone knows formaldehyde is the chemical used to preserve dead bodies, right? Formaldehyde may weaken the immune system, and may contribute to chronic fatigue, headaches, respiratory issues, and even cardiovascular problems such as irregular heartbeats.


    This chemical should be avoided because it is highly toxic to the kidneys, liver, and the brain.  It is a known carcinogen.

    Diethanolamine (DEA):

    If you see TEA in your soap’s ingredients, you should know that it is also a derivative of DEA.  These are terribly carcinogenic chemicals, specifically affecting the liver and kidneys. In addition, unborn babies may be affected second hand because this chemical causes disruptions in how much choline a pregnant woman may be able to absorb, and this is an essential nutrient for the brain of the fetus to properly develop. 


    These are preservatives that are commonly added to products, including soap.  More labels are actually stating when parabens are not contained in the product—which we can infer means they are pretty bad.  Parabens are hormone disruptors, especially of estrogen, and may be a cause of breast cancer. They are also thought to contribute to neural system issues.


    Another dangerous chemical with links to breast cancer, due to its effects on hormones.


    Fragrances can be just about anything and can include thousands of different chemicals—the effects of which are unknown.  When you see the word, “fragrance” on an ingredients label, you should just stay away! 

    Will you be checking your soap labels more closely after reading this article? Let us know if you have a favorite natural brand of body cleanser or soap!

    Article Source: Healing Harvest Homestead


