How To Use Pool Shock As A Water Purifier For Safe Drinking Water During Survival,

  • When a collapse comes, the water you have access to may not be safe to drink, here is how to purify it with pool shock!

    As preppers, many of us stockpile as many gallons of safe drinking water as we can. However, depending on the situation we are in, our stockpile may run out quickly. This means that we need other ways to make sure the water we have is safe to drink.

    Many survivalists and preppers also stockpile things like water filters or even bleach for these reasons. Unfortunately, these items can take up more space than we thought and that means we may not have enough when we need it. Don't panic. It turns out that there is an even better solution. The answer is pool shock and it works so much better than bleach. Once you find out how to use it to purify water and why it is better, you'll want to add it to your stockpile right away!

    We Have Gathered The Reasons Why Pool Shock Is Best And The Directions On How To Use It To Purify Water And They Can Be Found On The Next Page. 

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