Expert Gardening Hacks: Little Things that Make A Big Difference

  • The more I watch the news and hear words like GMO and Monsanto the faster I am understanding the need to have your own garden!

    The fact that the food industry thinks it's okay to fill perfectly good food with preservatives and chemicals is beyond any sort of logic I was raised with. People are filling our hospitals at alarming rates and one has to wonder if the culprit to all of that is currently sitting on our plates.

    Yet not everyone has a green thumb. I know when I first started I had what one would call a black thumb- meaning everything I tried to grow died! While there is humor to that over time I was able to work past what was holding me back and with a few tips and tricks from some expert gardeners I was able to master the garden growing process.

    Some of these tips are there to help the produce some are there to help your sanity but either way, all of them are worth a look! Even if you are good at gardening it never helps to learn something new… these little hacks will make things a lot easier for you in the future.

    So slide right over to the next page to see how you can make your garden grow…

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