Chase Away Pesky Moles With These 7 Hacks

  • It's easy to look at the downsides of having moles. Believe it or not, moles can provide benefits to your garden or yard: their digging aerates your yard, which keeps the nutrients circulating and their consumption of certain nefarious bugs that could otherwise be detrimental to your plants' roots keeps your garden plush. If you still don't wish to play host to these moles, below are some effective and natural ways to chase them away for good.

    1. Repellants. They react strongly to the odor of castor oil, so you may be able to restrict their activity with the use of a castor oil spray.

    Combine two tablespoons of dish soap with one cup of castor oil and one gallon of water in a sprayer. Apply this solution into any tunnels in your yard once a month.

    2. Barriers. Another option is to bury a 24-inch hardware cloth or metal barrier at least one foot below the surface of your yard, bending the bottom of the barrier out at a 90-degree angle.

    To find out where to place the barrier, flatten pushed up soil with the flat side of a shovel and then check the area the next day. If it is loose and/or mounded again, you have found an active tunnel.

    3. Drainage. Since moles like moist soil, you can make sure your lawn and garden has proper drainage after a rainfall or watering.

    4. Plants. Natural mole repellents include marigolds, chocolate lilies, daffodils, alliums, mole plants, fritillaries and castor beans. Garlic is another good choice.

    Option 6 is the one I use mostly but these are all amazing! 

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    1. Terry Lamb said:

      I own a nuisance wildlife company and i use dry ice for gophers and moles with great success

    2. Grouch Mckee said:

      Just put gallon glass jars on holes they’ll stop no idk why just a friends dad had them and he did this and no more problems on only 5 holes

    3. Rebecca L. Hood said:

      My mom used to tell me this story of how my grandma got rid of moles in her garden, it involved a garden hose and a butcher knife.

    4. Ken Broderick said:

      Sammie Johnson your dad needs to read this lol , he stopped at nothing to catch moles

    5. Rimmon Fay said:

      I need something for gophers? Besides a snake or human hair!

    6. Roberta Schlienz said:

      Make sure its moles not gophers. The Mazama Pocket Gopher is now listed as a threatened species. … The Mazama Pocket Gopher, one of two gopher species in Washington state, … land in Thurston County will be designated as critical habitat for the pocket gopher. … to mitigate land-use restrictions while also protecting the fragile gopher.


