Survival/Prep articles

How A Simple Roll of Duct Tape Can Help Everyone Survive

If you’re just beginning your journey as a prepper, then you’ve probably done your research online to determine the stockpile essentials you’ll need. While those lists are valuable, they aren’t exhaustive. There are an endless number of versatile products that are not on your typical list. Duct tape, for example, is one of those. We

5 Old Myths That Turned Out To Be True

We all love those stories that were passed down from generation to generation that were intended to give us guidance.  We trust them because they’ve been passed down from people that we trust even if it sounds completely made up an something that couldn’t possibly be true. We might be inclined to write it off and

Follow These Rules to Ensure Survival Abroad

One of the most exciting things in life is traveling to a new destination. Whether it’s for work or play, the trip comes with new sights, foods, cultures and people. It also comes with its stresses such as planning, packing and cost. Nevertheless, once we’re on the way to our destination, we are ready for

Why Our Power Grid is Vulnerable to a Breakdown

Which SHTF event do you think is most likely to occur at your location? Based on your response, you can stockpile and take certain measures to ensure your survival if and when that event were to occur. Typical responses would include a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, civil unrest or even a terrorist attack. However, we forget
