Borax Uses That Will Surprise You

  • So I won't bore you with all the ingredients included in Borax or why the chemical compounds work on these things but they do. Personally I was surprised at some of these findings but they do in fact work. We have included some links to give you more information on the exacts on how to get the best results.  So here is a list of Borax uses that will surprise you.

      All you have to do is put the hats in the top rack of your dishwasher, fill the detergent cup with Borax, and run a regular cycle.
      Instead of rehairing the strings of your violin or other string instruments, use a dampened toothbrush and Borax to gently wipe away any built-up gumming or rosin.
      a super-powered cleaning solution made of Borax, very hot water, bleach, dish detergent, and your favorite laundry detergent.
      whiten yours with a Borax solution like the one you used on your clothes.
          Borax is the main ingredient in


        of ant-killing products, so of course you can use it to make your own overnight ant-infestation solution. Just combine it with warm water and sugar soak up the mixture with cotton balls, and leave the balls around your home where you notice the ants.
      Ants aren’t the only creatures who hate Borax. Mice don’t like getting it on their feet, so if you sprinkle it along the walls where they like to run, it’ll keep them from coming back!
      Make your own with an ice cube tray and a DIY solution featuring, of course, Borax.
        This homemade solution features Borax, costs less than $15 to whip up, and makes enough to do your laundry for a whole year!
      Just mix it into a paste with some baking soda, lemon juice, and club soda, then scrub away.
      Stainless steel isn’t the only thing that can benefit from Borax! You can also use it as a cleaner for your cookware . . .
      and mixed with warm water to form a soak to renew china!
      No need to go spend a ton of money at the car wash or in the car care aisle. You have Borax on your side! Just clean your upholstery with a homemade cleaner made of this versatile ingredient and some water and grated soap.
      No need to go spend a ton of money at the car wash or in the car care aisle. You have Borax on your side! Just clean your upholstery with a homemade cleaner made of this versatile ingredient and some water and grated soap.
          Borax doesn’t only grow itself, it can help the


        you’re growing, too! Sprinkle it around the base of your fruit trees every three or four years to add boron to the soil and encourage growth, or mix it with white sand or corn meal to preserve cut flowers you want to keep forever.
      You don’t need to take a trip to the gardening center to stop the weed invasion. Just make your own herbicide by mixing 10 ounces of Borax with 2 ½ gallons of water. Aim carefully – you don’t want to hit the plants you like! – and spray away.


    Source: Clean My Space

    Do you have any additional ways to use this product? If so what are they?


    1. Michael H. Dunnell said:

      Long time ago, I gotta recipe from a$#%&!@*a*s that used borax, salt-peter and talcom powder to tan hides. He was a trapper. I lost the dang recipe.

    2. karen said:

      Does anyone know what mixture to use for unclog gong a drain. I thought I saw it on one of your videos, bought the Borax, now cannot find it.


