Alabama Couple Says Their Baby Was Taken From Them Because Of Their Off Grid Lifestyle

  • Christian and Danielle Holm just wanted to raise their child the best way they knew how. Their long held Christian beliefs dictated that they raise their child according to a specific religious tradition. They were expectant, happy and looking forward to continuing their off grid lifestyle with a little one in tow. Sadly they would not get that chance.

    Just one day after the birth of their child Christian and Danielle Holm of Heflin, Alabama report that their baby was taken from them by a social worker. According to the parents, this decision was based on their alternative lifestyle and religious tradition. Heavy accusations for a country that is supposed to be founded on religious tolerance and acceptance.

    This situation has brought up a tense subject regarding the reach of government as well as the requirement of birth certificates and social security numbers. According to the Holm's in the State of Alabama, it is not a requirement but it was their refusal to issue their child a social security number that created this situation. so let's take a look at page two and the details of this story and see what you think about the topic.


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    1. Tracy Giraud said:

      I understand the intolerance, etc. But we have polluted this world and environment so much since our ancestors, it’s just not the safest way anymore. Truly wish we had just left the earth alone. But we didn’t and need current research and modern medicine and technology to survive.

    2. Razell Smedberg-Ward said:

      I think a little more research needs to happen here- it only took me minutes to find that this isn’t at all about living off the grid and was never about homesteading lifestyles.

    3. Olivia Sanford said:

      Many things have changed, however, it is NOT your right (nor anyone else’s) to force a lifestyle on another human being just because you don’t agree with the one they chose.

    4. Tracy Giraud said:

      Do you work in health care? If you did, you would see why many have the views they have.

    5. DaVette Brown said:

      As a matter of fact I do im an RN and you have your rights and religion as do many others just because you dont agree does not make you right.

    6. Tracy Giraud said:

      Never said it did. But I have a right to my opinion just the same as you. I’m an RN as well. Have worked in pediatrics my whole career. I’ve seen enough to know that it isn’t ok to do whatever you want with children in that sense. Done now. Have a good day.

    7. Rebecca Smith Thom said:

      Yep a quick google searched has all kinds of info about this not mentioned in this article.

    8. Roy Henderson said:

      We had solar power electricity backed up with a generator and water collected from rain in a nearby River filtered and stored for drinking and using the bathroom and excetera

    9. Amy Brown said:

      In my opinion, yes we started out that way. But our ancestors lived like that not because it was the RIGHT way, but it was the ONLY way. If they had the same things available to them that we have now, they would have utilized them. To appreciate a simpler way is great. To be self sufficient is great. But to live “off grid” does not mean to live in a tent or camper. And, I think the red flag in this particular situation was the parents refusal to get the baby a social security number. Like I said, this is my personal thoughts on the matter.

    10. Toby Lee said:

      What kind of moron thinks Obama had anything to do with this / was a dictator?

    11. Steve Piersol said:

      The government does what it can to discourage living independently from government control. On the other hand if these are the kind of Christians likely to try to pray away illness, living a mobile lifestyle does make it more difficult to protect the child. My final opinion would require more information. I am all in favor of living off of the grid, but I am opposed to endangering a child’s life because of their parents mythology.

    12. Jessica Stone said:

      Not surprised at all. Local State and Federal government have been enacting laws and taxes in order to prevent people from living off the grid.

    13. Beckie Dias-Hebert said:

      I work in health care and i would rather have my family live off grid. But u have ur rights to believe in what u want for ur family and i have the right to believe or choose for mine.

    14. William H Lee said:

      I keep telling people, you own nothing. Everything belongs to the government. Even your children.

    15. Ruth Ann Howe said:

      There is no law against our constitution rights.They need to follow our constitution rights before thier own made up laws.I would rather live in a TeePee than thier unruley way to expensive structures.

    16. Tracy Giraud said:

      Quite frankly, you are nuts. There is more to be story and always is. See, you all would have sent this baby home with these people without knowing any other facts. That’s nuts! I have worked closely with social workers and CPS for years. Off the grid is not the only reason a baby would be taken. BUT it would be used as part of the decision making process for all reasons mentioned. I’m nuts. Ha! Good night all……

    17. Evonia Hogan said:

      I agree with the first two sentences. Then linda Wadley walker got on the #donaldjtrump train and that went off the tracks a long time ago.

    18. Sharon Jennex Olson said:

      This makes me sick in the stomach for that mother. This is a gross overreaction on the part of a social worker and maternity ward staff. Who can trust these people if they snatch newborns away. Its appalling.

    19. Victoria Casey said:

      So they were homeless and by refusing to get the child a social security number they were setting up the kid for unemployment and being unable to go to school. This is not a matter of living off the grid but just lack of common sense.

    20. Susan Puckett Smith said:

      Blatant physical abuse is the only reason ever that this should happen. Because who gets to decide whether you’re worthy to be a parent or not. There are parents who have a home and income and still don’t care for their children. What’s next? You have to pass an IQ test? You have to pass a state parenting exam with all the politically correct nonsense in order to get a license? Parents have to show that they have a minimum number of dollars in a government approved banking institution? Maybe the government should just raise all our children!? You and I may not agree with their lifestyle, but they deserve to make their own choices until there actually is a problem. They’re taking care of themselves obviously. Why wouldn’t they be able to care for their own child? Maybe they’ll be the kind of people who *gasp* HOME EDUCATE.

    21. Rebecca Ward said:

      This artical may not be totally proper etc as parents, However whom are we to judge how anyone raises their children or family or beliefs…….this crap is getting out of hand… living in a city where your kids go thru security just to go to school is cool??????????….I dont hear ya’ll complaining of that…….most i know that live off the grid have kids ahead of most your high school honor roll jocks….even better on their GPA”S and college test scores!……..go back to playstation and be ridiculous!

    22. Nicole Ashley said:

      Theres a huge difference between living off the grid aka homesteading (which implies living comfortably WITH resources) and being homeless.

    23. Kris Roots said:

      Tracy Giraud there are good and very bad social workers and you can’t say just because they are a social worker that they do things right the only thing you need in the state of Texas to be a supervisor social worker is a bachelor’s degree it can even be in fine Arts and regular social workers don’t even need a degree at all …… I’m not saying this baby needs to be given back not knowing anything else but you also can’t say this baby should have been taken without knowing anything else …. It is there right to live anyway they think is best for there child as long as the child is medically healthy and taken care of

    24. Kris Roots said:

      So if your saying it’s too dangerous for a baby to live like that are you telling me that Amish that take babies in a buggy need the babies taken from them because it’s not safe ….. Or the people that let there kids ride in a rodeo …. Or ride a dirt bike …. Or for that matter the parents in New York that let the 14 year old daughter ride the subway …. They all need there kids taken because that’s a dangerous Life style Tracy Giraud if the government is allowed to tell us how to raise our children and what we can and can’t do Beyond keeping them healthy medically taken care of and not abused then there is no stopping them from running our whole life there has to be a limit to there control

    25. Kris Roots said:

      there are good and very bad social workers and you can’t say just because they are a social worker that they do things right the only thing you need in the state of Texas to be a supervisor social worker is a bachelor’s degree it can even be in fine Arts and regular social workers don’t even need a degree at all …… I’m not saying this baby needs to be given back not knowing anything else but you also can’t say this baby should have been taken without knowing anything else …. It is there right to live anyway they think is best for there child as long as the child is medically healthy and taken care of

      So if your saying it’s too dangerous for a baby to live like that are you telling me that Amish that take babies in a buggy need the babies taken from them because it’s not safe ….. Or the people that let there kids ride in a rodeo …. Or ride a dirt bike …. Or for that matter the parents in New York that let the 14 year old daughter ride the subway …. They all need there kids taken because that’s a dangerous Life style… if the government is allowed to tell us how to raise our children and what we can and can’t do Beyond keeping them healthy medically taken care of and not abused then there is no stopping them from running our whole life there has to be a limit to there control

    26. Della Harding said:

      If your kids are fed and clean and educated,the government would not step in

    27. Bob Lee said:

      Stories like this make me glad that I’m an American who no longer lives in America – I would definitely be in prison if I lived in that damn God-forsaken country – I have a 2-year-old daughter and if someone tried to take her because they disagreed with my Christian lifestyle, there would definitely be some dead people, including me possibly – Living in the 3rd World country of the Philippines, I don’t have to worry about such Liberal American bullshit… It is a Christian country!!!

    28. Mary Ann Nelson said:

      This is a crime. The lost bonding time with their baby can’t be restored and I’m sure the mother wanted to breast feed her baby, so the government has jeopardized the baby’s health so they can show their power! This is beyond cruel! To do this to these parents is emotional abuse in the extreme. What is wrong with you people!

    29. Virginia Sampey said:

      CONTROL!!!! Freedom in America is a thing for f the past! So sad, but it will get worse!

    30. Eric Gabriel said:

      Am I the only one that caught they live off the grid but have Facebook lol

    31. Wayne Downey said:

      Just because one lives off grid does not mean they have no electricity dummy! Go learn what the term mean before commenting again. Sheeesh!

    32. Marie Hyneman said:

      This is wrong. The way this world has become so full of sin, I do not blame them for going off the grid. There is nothing wrong with living in a cabin in the great outdoors. They can teach their child. They can love their child. It is not right that they took the baby away. If I could go off the grid I would.

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