Alabama Couple Says Their Baby Was Taken From Them Because Of Their Off Grid Lifestyle

  • Christian and Danielle Holm just wanted to raise their child the best way they knew how. Their long held Christian beliefs dictated that they raise their child according to a specific religious tradition. They were expectant, happy and looking forward to continuing their off grid lifestyle with a little one in tow. Sadly they would not get that chance.

    Just one day after the birth of their child Christian and Danielle Holm of Heflin, Alabama report that their baby was taken from them by a social worker. According to the parents, this decision was based on their alternative lifestyle and religious tradition. Heavy accusations for a country that is supposed to be founded on religious tolerance and acceptance.

    This situation has brought up a tense subject regarding the reach of government as well as the requirement of birth certificates and social security numbers. According to the Holm's in the State of Alabama, it is not a requirement but it was their refusal to issue their child a social security number that created this situation. so let's take a look at page two and the details of this story and see what you think about the topic.


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    1. Cynthia Tassell said:

      A good portion of the world lives “off the grid” and so did the early settlers in this country. If the baby is breastfed there should be no problem. What an awful thing to do to that couple. Do they take the kids from every homeless family too?

    2. Terra Johkastah Goodman said:

      They do take children from a great number of homeless families unless that family has found a shelter or emergency child shelter or the children are living with family.
      Sadly, many states do not have the space or do not offer emergency child shelter, and many families do not have extended family they can safely reach out to.

      I was homeless last summer, and let me tell you, it was a terrifying time of not knowing when they would come to tale my son.
      Fortunately, we had access to toilets and running water which seemed to be the main concern of authorities.

    3. Judy Casey said:

      That’s ridiculous give the child back unless it is being abused or neglected

    4. Nickolas Gibbs said:

      Soooo… Let me get this right…. It’s ok to “raise them gender neutral” but not odd the grid naturally… smh wtf is really going on

    5. Ian Geldart said:

      That would have never happen to a couple living off the grid if they wanted to raise there chid gender free because if it had it would have been all over the news how the child was taken not for living off grid but because the parents didn’t label as some call it as been a boy or a girl

    6. Tyrrelle Smith said:

      It’s the government’s way of discouraging others from living off-grid.

    7. CeCe Coleman said:

      The baby looks healthy and well taken care of. Over documents social services took this child away. I would understand if the baby was neglected by her parents or abuse by her parents that would w

    8. Matthew Tice said:

      Wow that’s so fucked up ! There’s no reason for the social service to take there kid away like that !

    9. Lawrence Donald Baker said:

      Ok I would want to see any proof that they are unfit parents if not give them back their kid and leave them alone

    10. Sandra Fraleigh said:

      They were living off the grid as in “homeless” and unemployed. This is not like the Amish in any way shape or form. Hiking and camping with a newborn is not appropriate especially in the winter.

    11. Nathan Hardin said:

      It’s all part of the liberal leftist n their fascination with communism / socialism where every man woman n child is provided for by the state! And in order to be provided for means u have to be accounted for / tracked / monitored / branded / told what to think / told how to think / told who to worship / told what u can n cannot say etc etc etc! That’s communism for ya! Communism summed up – communism is where the elitist few get fat n live like kings while the people starve n share the misery of their governments bad ideas equally! Plain n simple! N that’s what America’s headed for! Unless u start fighting back rite now!!!!!!!!

    12. Justin Barry said:

      I live off the grid. Come take my child, prepare for me to take your life.

    13. Wayne Creek said:

      This is not the first incident like this I’ve heard about. Apparently there is a LOT of Federal money to be made by local governments by taking custody of infant children. Research it….it’s quite disturbing…!

    14. Roy Henderson said:

      I am from Arkansas DHS there tried to take our kids when we were living in a camper trying to make our own place we were told children cannot live in a house without power and water and that we were unresponsible parents and that we put our children in danger we lost everything we have because Arkansas DHS try to take our kids we even lost our kids for two years two family members while trying to get a place.

    15. Clint Hodkinson said:

      Sandra Fraleigh it’s neither your place or the governments place to determine that, if the child was healthy they should mind there own business like you

    16. Pete thomas said:

      It’s also child trafficking. CPS case workers get bonuses for selling your child. You should retain an attorney immediately

    17. Misty Nellene Cristello said:

      Exactly we can teach our kids stupid stuff but we can’t teach them how to live a good meaningful life or teach them thembtoblive off grid which i happen to respect highly of . It’s dumb we can teach our kids to be gay but we live off grid. I believe as parent as long as I’m not hurting my kids I should be able to raise them how I choose to do so . Nowadays the government is raising ur kids

    18. Misty Nellene Cristello said:

      Yes they should they have no power they have no running water in the home not even hot water and they have plunking inside the home either so how is that any different then living in a camper . Amish people don’t have jobs either they only work inside their own farms . Ohhh wait it’s their religion that’s right.

    19. Chris Brown said:

      “Traded in their house for camping…” Translation: They were homeless

    20. Patricia Darling said:

      I have worked along side the Amish many times. It is nothing like living ” homeless”. Being self sufficient with a sound roof over their heads, education, their religion & structure in place is totally different. This child should have had security from their life.

    21. Marina Dc said:

      All this because of their refusal to issue their child a social security number that created this situation, what is the truth?

    22. Fester Vanbuskirk said:


    23. Fester Vanbuskirk said:


    24. Richard S Beck Jr. said:

      I’ve read if your child isn’t registered with the government via a birth certificate that the government can’t and won’t take the child not registered. Is it true though; i have no idea

    25. Richard S Beck Jr. said:

      Amish privileged. No taxes, they can use our roads without a license, hunt without a linces, fish with out a license and they act like they hate us common folk. Why don’t liberals make a big deal about their privilege?

    26. Michael Rouse said:

      Time to rename your children, throw out their social security number s, & never let them separate a child from it’s mother! They think they own you & me because we have accepted their bullshizzle at birth! The sickening of our brainwashing starts at the hospitals! Please wake up everybody!

    27. Rafiq Kemp said:

      I believe it. In Minnesota its illegal for companies to turn the power and water off if theres a baby or babies in the household.

    28. Pauline Rayburn said:

      Indiana: we lived in a camper for a year or so with our children and DCS visited twice (jealous neighbors) and we were told both times that our kids were just fine and we had more food and supplies than most households they visit. We did have electricity and running water which I myself believe is very important.

    29. Linda Wadley Walker said:

      Off grid was a way of life for our ancestors. They had nothing but determination to keep them alive. If this couples baby was taken because they chose to live off grid– then yes the government has way to much control over our lives. Under Obama dictatorship collecting rain water was illegal. Home schooling in some areas was illegal. Our government needs less control over the people

    30. Elizabeth Boedeker Heim said:

      You (courts and anyone who agrees with the state on this) allow women to abort their babies, raise them in broken homes, and/or subject them to all manners of abuse, yet you can’t allow people to raise a child like they were raised 100 years ago? Seriously messed up.

    31. Tracy Giraud said:

      Hiking and camping is not a safe lifestyle for a baby. If you want to live off the grid it’s your choice. But a helpless baby relying on parents for shelter and basic survival does not belong off the grid in that sense. Ignorance.

    32. DaVette Brown said:

      Ignorance is not knowing this is how we started and how many many ppl still live.

    33. Tracy Giraud said:

      I know exactly how we started. Many things have changed since then in case you haven’t noticed.

    34. DaVette Brown said:

      For you. I would rather bring my children up with a more off the grind then living the way we do now. With sickness ignorac3 intolerance and in case harshness and judgemental ppl.

    35. Sean P. McDonough said:

      Just taking a wild guess. These folks have more issues than reported and this story is written with a slightly swinging view toward off grid living and governmental control. But, just my opinion.

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