8 Unique Ways To Get Rid of Those Pesky Garden Aphids

  • With summer in full swing, our gardens are well on their way to being at their peak. You worked hard to ensure that your plants experience the greatest chance of success. You may even have a gardening and planting certain routine that you follow.

    Regardless of where you live, you’ve most likely faced some adversity when gardening. Many times, it comes in the form of bugs who eat away at your beloved plants and erase all of that hard work you put into your garden. Aphids, for example, are a type of insect that wreak havoc on plants in most locations. You don’t want to use pesticides to get rid of them because that would defeat the purpose of growing natural fruits and vegetables. So, how can you get rid of the pests?

    Keep reading to learn about 8 ways to eliminate aphids!

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    1. William Yzerman said:

      simplest thing to do is to eat them when you find them. They are completely safe to consume

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