7 Skills Everyone Needs To Know In Order To Survive In The Wilderness!

  • If you find yourself an emergency situation, these seven skills will help you to survive!

    It is impossible for us to know exactly when and where we will be when we find ourselves in the middle of an emergency or disaster situation. You may be enjoying a nice camping trip and get separated from your group, or you may be at home when a flood occurs, or the power goes out for an extended period of time.

    It doesn't matter if you are already in the wilderness or if you have to bug out and live off the land, there are vital skills you need to know how to survive. These skills can help keep you warm, protect you from the elements, keep you from starving or dehydrating and allow to get the help you need. Once you know these skills, you will be better prepared no matter what happens!

    To find out what seven skills you need to know to survive, please head on over to the next page. 

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    1. Buck Combs said:

      Everyone be fore warned this scenario is happening on the same day as ANTIFAs American day of revolution. These 2 scenarios occurring on the same day can or probably will be used as a false flag attack. If anyone remembers the U.S. military were running drills of hijacked planes being flown into buildings on 9/11, this scenario brought about confusion as weather it was a drill or real and this is why no jets were shot down by our military as they were told to stand down thus letting the attacks happen. This also created plausible deniability for the government. As most people know George Soros funds groups like ANTIFA and he also has many corrupt government officials in his pocket. I WANT ALL OF YOU TO PAY ATTENTION ON AND AROUND NOVEMBER 4TH, THINGS MAY NOT BE WHAT THEY APPEAR, THESE LEFTIST AND THE DEEP STATE WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO GET AT TRUMP AND THIS MAYBE THE BEGINNING..!!!

    2. Steven Swift said:

      A good throwing knife survival knife heavy and stout enough to chop down small Trees. Plenty of cord and rope

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