6 Plants That Are Beautiful and Taste Great

  • Edible Landscaping Is Something Anyone Can Do!

    We're always looking for ways we can accomplish two things with one action, especially if it's something important that we can achieve by taking a seemingly simple, everyday action that's something we might do anyway. That's why we love the idea of edible landscaping. Not only are you beautifying your yard — and thus the entire neighborhood — you're also growing food you can eat. Plus, it's food that you know exactly how it's been grown, so you don't have to worry about what kinds of chemicals might have been used, or any other worries.

    We're obviously not the only ones who think this is a cool idea, because this is a trend that's sweeping the nation, and with good reason! Many of us landscape our yards anyway, solely for the aesthetic value, but if you're going to invest all that time and energy into planting something, why not make it something practical that will literally put food on your table? Plus, an edible landscape doesn't take up a whole lot of space and only needs to be planted once, but could give you and your family food for years to come!

    For six plants that are ideal for edible landscaping, please continue to Page (2) for the list.

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    1. Millie Johnson said:

      Plum, cherry, peach, etc., are beautiful in the spring plus you get the benefits of the fruit. Love a mulberry tree, blueberry and cherry bushes. You are so right, plus rosemary and sage makes a nice little bush.

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