6 Insanely Clever Survival Items that Belong in Everyones Survival Bag

  • Brite Strike

    These tactical balls are actually lights built into super tough round balls. They are also known as RID 3, which stands for rolling illuminated distraction and disorientation device.

    The company itself admits that on a scale of 1 to 10, a flash bang is a 10 and their product is a 2 on that scale. They do not claim to be a replacement for the flash bang, but an alternative. The RID 3 is meant to be a safer, non-pyrotechnic method of distraction.

    Remember: You win every gun fight you avoid. If you are being pursued in the dark you can easily kill your attacker’s night vision by just tossing one of these bad boys out.

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    1. William Wilhite said:

      Make your content of your bag a concept of your local environment. What’s good in texas ain’t always good for Michigan.


