6 Fool Proof Plants For First Time Gardners

  • I am not one who you would say was born with a green thumb- I have had to learn through a lot of trial and error and to my dismay a lot of dead plants. The more I talked to people the more I have found out that many of them were the same way. I was not part of the minority that couldn't grow anything but a part of the majority who had to learn over time.

    In speaking to these people I have found tips and tricks to help my gardens along and over time I can now say I  am very comfortable when I find myself in a garden. In fact, I now dispense out advice to my friends who are just starting out their own lives on the path to self-sustainability.

    One of the biggest questions I get asked is what are the easiest plants to grow. So I have come up with a list of 6 of the simplest plants that one can have that should be pretty foolproof for even the clumsiest of gardeners.

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