5 Ways To Keep The House Warmer With Cardboard

  • Your family, your guests, your pets and your own body will appreciate the below efforts in creating a warmer house. If you don't have cardboard on hand, you can always check your local hardware store or grocery store. They should have plenty on hand either from shipping inventory or to sell. You'll also be repurposing a recyclable material!

    1. Windows By taping sheets of cardboard onto your windows, you prevent the cold from radiating in and the warm air from being cooled by the surface. If you provide approximately one-half of an inch of space between the glass and the material, you won’t have to worry about condensation soaking through the paper-like surface.

    2. Door Jams  A single piece of cardboard taped to the inside of the frame could provide a proper seal and eliminate expensive drafts.

    3. Threshold Sometimes, when a door doesn’t fit perfectly, it leaves a gap at the bottom near the threshold—another space where cold air can seep in. While you might use a towel or old blanket to block this, taping or tacking a long piece of cardboard to the door can provide a cleaner look.

    4. Air Conditioning Vents If you have a built-in air conditioner or swamp cooler, cold air could be seeping in from these open vents. Cutting cardboard pieces to fit these openings can prevent this intrusion of winter into your home.

    5. Extra Heating Vents Some rooms in your home may not need to be heated on a regular basis. By using a piece of cardboard taped to the heating vent, you eliminate that opening, which redirects the air flow to the rooms that are in use.

    Let us know in the comments if you were able to use cardboard as an insulator! Do you have any other ideas for utilizing cardboard during the winter?

    Article Source: Eco-Mothering


