5 Amazing Booby Traps to Protect Your Homestead

  • These next few ideas are great because they are not that difficult to put together and it's really up to you where you place them.

    So take a look and let us know if you have built one of these before and if so what your experience was as well as if you have other ideas that we can add to our list.



    via AltitudeFilmProd

    Corn flour (explosive) sprayed in the flames of a burning candle inside a tin can will result in an explosion because of the rapid combustion. This reaction shows the change of the chemical energy stored in the corn flour into heat.

    trip wire trap

    via NightHawkInLight

    A tripwire is a wire or a cord that is stretched close to the ground and attached to an explosive or to an alarm that prevents an intruder from entering an area. It is one of the most basic yet effective forms of security system that you can make. Check out the instructional video here. This type of trap was first issued to US Pilots in WWII and available now for at home use.


    via mad-science

    You can create an explosive time delay with some items that you can find inside the house. With a slow burning fuse, you can buy yourself some time to hide before it explodes.


    via survival-mastery

    Every survivalist knows that an Altoid tin has a lot of use. And one of them is that you can turn it into an (Altoid) alarm system.

    talking alarm

    via makezine 

    Explosion Simulator: If you’re looking for a way to catch those culprits or “sneaky snoops” then this project is definitely a must. Check out the steps on how to create this awesome and effective trap here. Go get those pesky thieves and prevent your stuff from being stolen.


    Again, we are not advocating needless violence or simply setting these up to hurt someone because they annoy you! Please follow all the laws set forth in your county and state. These are serious weapons and using them for a means other than what they were intended for can result in major trouble for you so be warned. for a serious time.

    If you would like to learn more, including the ideas behind an impressive talking booby trap and an awesome Punji stake pit go to Survival Life.

    Prepare now to feel safe later!

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