4 Things That Break Around The House and Tips on How To Fix Them

  • Windowpane Breaks

    We all have that story or know someone who has a story of how they hit or threw a ball and it went smack into a window. Now, to be fair it was the windows fault right.

    The thing with these kinds of breaks is your approach will depend on how big the crack is. If it's super small then a piece of duct tape over it until you get around to fixing it will suffice however if it's larger than that simply will not work.

    A complete break will require temporary covering such as a section of plywood attached to the exterior. If your window has individual glass panes you should be able to pick up a replacement piece. You can replace it yourself, but the job requires you to cut and remove mullions and molding (depending on the window), and re-caulking or re-glazing. Single-pane double windows will need more extensive repairs, and could require the replacement of the entire window, framing and all.

    Gutter Falls Off

    This one is annoying. Actually, they all are but this one to me is super irritating.

    Gutters and downspouts channel water away from your foundation and, as a result, take a lot of abuse. Over time, the spikes holding them to the rafters and roof structure can work their way out or the wood can rot and give way, resulting in a gutter falling off. First, check the condition of the roof structure and make any repairs. If they're minor, you can use a wood-hardening product to restore it. If the wood doesn't need repair and the spikes just worked their way out, you've got a couple of options. One, you can fill the hole with an exterior wood filler and drive the spike back in after it sets. Two, you can replace the gutter spike with a gutter screw. The threads on the screw will grab the wood and hold much better than ordinary spikes.

    Tree Limb Falls and Creates Hole in Roof

    I say after you check to make sure everyone is ok there are two things you need to do. Take pics and call your insurance company!

    Start clearing away anything that may be directly under and around where the tree or limb entered. Use a tarp or plastic sheeting to cover anything that can't be moved. Check to see if any electrical wires, phone lines, or water or gas pipes have been compromised. If it's raining or about to rain, secure some buckets or large containers to collect rainwater. Move any vehicles or items in the path of the limb or tree should it fall off the roof. Take pictures of the damage as soon as possible for insurance purposes, and make a list of what has been damaged

    Ice Dams on Roof

    If you live in a place that gets a lot of snow then you have at some point encountered ice dams before.

    Ice dams occur when the water from melting snow high on a roof hits the colder temperature below and freezes. Melted water then creeps under the dam and backs up against it, hence using the term dam. This buildup of water can result in a leaking roof. The cause usually is heat loss from a poorly insulated attic. To prevent it from happening, use a long-handled push broom or snow rake to scrape off built-up snow. In an active dam, you need to break up the ice as quickly as possible. You can chip away at the ice to release the water, and if it's warm enough, you can use a water hose to spray water and speed up the melting. To prevent it happening in the future, properly insulate and seal your attic from living spaces.

    Source DIY


