4 Signs The Dog Is Overheating

  • Sign #1 Excessive Panting

    Panting is a normal reaction to exercise or slightly warmer weather, but if you notice your dog breathing heavily and quickly, it may be time to take him inside to cool off.

    “Animals pant to evaporate moisture from their lungs, which takes heat away from their body. If the humidity is too high, they are unable to cool themselves, and their temperature will skyrocket to dangerous levels — very quickly,” according to the Humane Society.

    Sign #2 Dry or Pale Gums

    If all of the sudden you notice your dog suddenly has pale or dry gums or that his tongue and mouth seem dry, that may been that he has become dehydrated.

    An overheated dog will lose a lot of water while trying to regulate his body temperature, so this is a sign that you dog needs to cool off and grab a drink.

     Sign #3 Excessive Drooling

    While drooling is normal for most breeds of dogs, it could be a sign that your dog is in distress.

    “Early signs of heatstroke include panting [and] hyper-salivation… Affected dogs become hyperactive and excitable,” according to the American Kennel Club.

    Sign #4 Glazed Eyes

    A dog who has been in the heat for too long may become disoriented and confused, leading to the glazed look.

    According to the Humane Society, dogs who experience heat stroke may have glazed eyes, meaning they are staring straight ahead with their eyes unfocused.

    If your dog is experiencing any of these symptoms move them to a cooler location and slowly rehydrate them. Do not allow them to drink too much water all at once and if severe place cold cloths on them and contact your vet for further instructions.



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