3 States To Avoid When SHTF

  • As society has progressed we have built many great things. We have created and established towns cities and states that are supported by the most thought out infrastructures that for some countries are simply mind boggling.

    Throughout the 50 states, there are places that are connected beyond the scope o anything our forefathers could have envisioned. Yet again as time progressed this connectivity, this constant monitoring has dulled many of our survival instincts.  Whereas our ancestors could survive without the grid we have created a society that is wholly dependent upon it.

    So what happens when it fails? Do you stay where you are at and hope for the best or do you get out of dodge? The answer to that question really depends on where you live.

    While most articles and lists cover states that you should consider living in, we wanted to focus on states you may want to think twice about and on the next page, we do just that.

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    1. Stephen Douglas said:

      I completely agree best to go away from these locations so I only have to deal with the locals lol

    2. Brock Muhlestein said:

      Avoid Idaho at all costs. People there will shoot you just as soon as look at you.

    3. James Kline said:

      (Didn’t read article, but I’d avoid…) California, Illinois and Michigan

    4. Elizabeth Nannini said:

      I don’t know….I’ll take the 6th largest economy on the planet for security……at least we have services…..and news flash….THE DROUGHT IS OVER.

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