3 of The Most Efficient Wood Stoves For Off The Grid Heat


    Want to find the best wood stove for your home? This article will show you the best kinds! No more need for electricity, these types of wood stoves can heat up a room in no time. Find out what the best wood stoves are for you!


    If you live in a heavily wooded area, are living without electricity, or simply want to reduce your fuel bill, wood stoves often make a good deal of sense.

    Open Fireplace

    We’ll begin with one of the most iconic kinds of wood-burning heaters: the open fireplace. Open fireplaces are popular because they’re romantic and make a nice visual addition to a room. The problem with open fireplaces is that they are extremely inefficient.

    Modern fireplaces typically only covert 10 percent to 20 percent of wood burned to heat.

    Radiant Heat Stove

    These wood stoves heat the area around them by radiating the heat from an enclosed chamber. Common types of radiant heat wood stoves include potbelly stoves and rocket mass heaters.

    Radiant heat wood stoves can be inexpensively built out of something as simple as a 55-gallon steel drum with a chimney attached. Although this can be a great option if you have the materials lying around or can procure them cheaply, keep in the mind that the life of these wood stoves will be much less than something built out of sturdier material like firebrick, concrete or cast iron.

    Circulating Heat Stove

    Circulating stoves are double walled with an inner combustion chamber. There is an air space between the two walls where air is passed over the inner wall near the combustion chamber, and then pushed out into the room, conveying heat. These types of stoves can achieve 70 percent to 80 percent efficiencies and are popular for families with children, since the outer wall of the stove does not get nearly as hot as with radiant-type stoves.

    Wood stoves are a great way to reduce you heating bill, reduce your reliance on the electric grid and make use of a renewable natural resource. When choosing one, take into consideration your budget, the size of space you want to heat and your desired efficiency for a warm, happy home.

    Warming up your home has never been easier and more efficient! Even if you're not living off the grid, these wood stoves are great for reducing your monthly electricity bill and can save you a few extra bucks.

    For more information on wood stoves, visit Off The Grid News.

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    1. Michael Bandeko said:

      Check out Englanders stove they are very well built, I have been living with their NC30 for 3 seasons now and it heats my cabin to 75 degrees no matter what the temp outside is


