20 Everyday Items That Will Be Extremely Valuable After SHTF

  • There are so many things that we use daily that we take for granted. These are items that we do not even give a second thought to and most of which we do not hold high on the importance scale.

    However, that could all change in the blink of an eye.

    Should the worst occur, should SHTF and we all be left with nothing more than what we have with us or what we have stored would we be prepared to live life in even the most basic of situations? Consider it logically. The first thing that always happens when chaos arrives is that stores are either sold out of the most basic necessities or they are looted depending on the situation. If this is the case then you and your family may get stuck at home for weeks you will rely on everything you have in your home for survival and comfort!

    So let's keep reading and take a look at 20 items that we take for granted that we should really be stocking up on. 

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    1. Seth Hofstetter said:

      I know kleenex and tissues is on the list…but not for the use of toilet paper (which will be worth it’s weight in gold)!!!!

    2. Ann Gibson said:

      I appreciate the general idea of this but some of these items are a bit frivolous. i.e kleenex. As Seth Hofstetter said, toilet paper will be needed but a runny nose can be cured with a good handkerchief which is reusable and a 6 pack of bandanas is invaluable stuff in so many other ways too. And chapstick and lotion. Just stock up on coconut oil and you have what you need.


