15 Foods Everyone Should Stockpile First!

  • For first time preppers or even people that have been prepping for a long time making sure you have plenty of food and water in your stockpile is very important. However, it is also just as important to make sure you are stockpiling the right kinds of food. If you want to be ready for anything, you should stockpile these foods first before anything else. The foods on this list may just be what saves your life!

    The Foods That Everyone Should Include In Their Stockpile First Include:

    1. Beans –  Not only are beans plentiful and cheap, but they provide a lot of protein.
    2. White rice – The perfect companion to beans. An excellent source of carbohydrates, and it stores well.
    3. Canned vegetables – Canned goods keep well, long past the expiration date on the label.
    4. Canned fruit –  Being canned, they keep as well as the vegetables do.
    5. Canned meats – Of all the ways of preserving meat, canning is the most secure in protecting the meat from decomposition.
    6. Honey – As long as you can keep the ants out of it, honey keeps forever.
    7. Salt – Nature’s preservative. Most means of preserving foods require the use of salt. In addition, our bodies need to consume salt for survival.
    8. Pasta products – Pasta is a great source of carbohydrates.
    9. Spaghetti sauce – Obviously, you need this to go with the pasta. But it is also great for hiding the flavor of things your family doesn’t like to eat.
    10. Jerky – While expensive to buy, jerky is pure meat, with only the addition of spices. Its high salt content allows it to store well, making it a great survival food. It can be reconstituted by adding it to soups and allowing it to cook.
    11. Peanut butter – Another great source of protein and another great comfort food.
    12. Wheat flour – For baking, especially baking bread. Bread is an important source of carbohydrates for most Americans.
    13. Baking powder & baking soda – Also for making  bread, cookies or cakes.
    14. Bouillon – Otherwise known as “soup starter,” this allows you to make the broth without having to boil bones on the stove for hours. Soups will probably be an important part of anyone’s diet in a survival situation, as they allow you to eat almost anything.
    15. Water – We don’t want to forget to stockpile a good supply of water.  Experts recommend a minimum of one gallon per person per day, but remember: That’s just for drinking.

    As you can see, you should stockpile things like canned fruits and vegetables because they keep a long time and provide plenty of nutrients. You also need to stockpile foods like beans, jerky and peanut butter for good sources of protein.  It is also a good idea to stockpile salt as that can be used to preserve food and we also need it to survive. Finally, you should make sure you stockpile plenty of water so you don't risk dehydration. If you include these foods in your stockpile first then you will be better prepared for whatever might happen.

    For more information on what to include in your stockpile first, you can visit:

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