15 Amazing Things To Do With Vinegar

  • You might initially shy away from vinegar due to its smell. It's not exactly the most appealing liquid. Once you look past its scent, the ways in which vinegar can benefit your garden are numerous. It could be the answer to all of your garden stresses, which can make gardening even more relaxing for you and your loved ones. Whether you're frustrated with your overgrown weeds, the cleanliness of your garden or your plants' growth, these vinegar uses cover everything!

    Keep Ants Away

    Spray your ant infested areas with undiluted vinegar and this will solve your ant problem! You may need to reapply a few times for a few days.

    Rust Eliminator

    If you have any rusty garden tools, yard tools or yard pieces, you can remove the rust by either soaking or spraying undiluted vinegar and rinse/wipe clean.

    Kill Mold in Containers

    Vinegar and water together can act as a natural mold killer in your containers before replanting.

    Kill Grass and Weeds in Unwanted Areas

    Spraying or pouring straight vinegar on your weeds or grass that has overgrown will kill them and stop them from growing for a time.  Also, adding salt to the mixture may be a little more effective.  You also may need to do this a few times, but it is safer and a natural alternative.

    Keep Your Garden Flowers Longer

    Just add 2 tablespoons vinegar and 2 tablespoons sugar in a 1-quart vase of water to your flowers.  Trim the stems of the flowers and change this solution about every 5 days or as needed.

    Potted Plant Fertilizer

    Fertilize your potted plants and purify the water by adding 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 1 gallon of water before you water your potted plants.

    Feed Plants

    First, mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of sugar for every 8 ounces of water.

    Clean Garden Tools

    Just pour a few ounces of vinegar in a gallon of water and soak and rinse your tools before putting away or storing!

    Plant Fungicide

    You can take a mixture of 2 tablespoons of vinegar and brewed chamomile tea to spray on your plants outdoors to kill fungus and mold.

    Pecking Chickens

    Just add a tablespoon of cider vinegar to their drinking water and they will stop pecking at each other!

    Have you been able to use vinegar in your garden? Let us know if there are other gardening benefits of vinegar!

    Article Source: The Thrifty Couple


