12 Strange Things We Can Do With Cornstarch

  • Cornstarch is not only an excellent substitute for many household items. It can also prove vital during times of crisis or in the aftermath of a disaster. Its versatility is shocking considering it's not an expensive item. As a result, you'll want to add it to your survival stockpile as well. Whether it's cleaning your house, relieving pain or improving hygiene, cornstarch has got you covered.

    1. Window cleaner.

    Add a tablespoon of it to any window cleaner.

    2. Remove grease stains.

    You can get rid of them by throwing some cornstarch on the floor and letting it sit for about 20-30 minutes. Then you can vacuum up the powder.

    3. Soothe sunburns and bug bites.

    A paste made of cornstarch and water will help soothe sunburns and bug bites.

    4. Air freshener.

    Sprinkle it in shoes, let them sit overnight, and then shake the powder out in the morning.

    5. Custom body powder.

    Mix one cup of cornstarch with a few drops of essential oils; shake it up.

    6. Finger painting.

    Boil cornstarch and water together for some homemade and non-toxic paint. Add food coloring.

    7. Clean furniture.

    Some cleaners leave a build-up or residue on wood furniture; fix this problem by mixing equal parts cornstarch and water, and then lightly buffing away any marks or build-up. (But test this on a small unseen area first!)

    8. Refresh your books.

    9. Dry shampoo.

    Dust some cornstarch along the roots of your hair, along the crown and around the base of your neck.

    10. Fix that squeaky floor.

    Sprinkle cornstarch on the floor, leave it for a bit and then sweep it up.

    11. Chafing prevention.

    Dab a bit of cornstarch in the problem areas; it will absorb the moisture that causes chaffing.

    12. Homemade deodorant.

    Start by wiping under your arms with rubbing alcohol and then sprinkle on the cornstarch.

    Have you been able to use cornstarch for any of these things? Let us know if there are additional tasks we should add to the list!

    Article Source: Off The Grid News


