10 of The Biggest Renovating Mistakes

  • Mistake number one is so common and I myself have been guilty of it. We want to save a penny here or there and in the end, we should have gone with what we had originally planned to buy.

    Buying Cheap Materials

    Don't Sweat It host Steve Watson says, “One of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to home renovation (is that) they try to be cheap when they buy materials. The bottom line is, you're going to get what you pay for.”

    Carpenter Jimmy Little adds his two cents: “If you're going to do it, do it. If you can't afford to do it, wait.”

    Inaccurate Measurements

    Nancy Soriano, former editor in chief of Country Living magazine says, “I can't emphasize enough how an inch or even sometimes a half an inch can make a difference. And if your dimensions are off and it's not equal and symmetrical, you're not going to get the full impact and effect that you want. If you're not sure about how to measure or you can't follow the directions, don't hesitate at all to call somebody. Ask them to come over and take the measurement for you.”

    Skipping the Prep Work

    “Do it the right way, right away,” says Carey. “You shouldn't avoid your prep work. You want to take the time to do it right and right from the beginning.”

    Contractor Jim Collins says, “It's a horrible, tedious process, and nobody likes it, but it saves so much time later on down the way. And that's what you're trying to do: save yourself money and time.”

    Gutting Everything

    “Make sure you have a well-set plan before you start your renovations, because you don't want to go in there and just clear everything out, when you might be able to work around some areas,” warns Carey Evans of Don't Sweat It.

    “I see this time and time again where people just start, and they think they're going to pull a piece of wallpaper off, and by the time the process is over, they've completely gotten themselves into a deep, dark hole that's very difficult to get out of,” adds Eric Stromer of Over Your Head.

    Using the Wrong Tools

    “There are really three problems with using the wrong tool: You can wreck the tool, you can wreck the project you're working on and you can wreck yourself,” notes Spike Carelsen, former executive editor of Family Handyman.

    Have you ever had a project go totally off the rails? Let us know what happened in the comments below!

    Source: HGTV

    One Comment;

    1. Everett E Jones said:

      Ifu have plaster walls or cieling an dont know how to fix it,drywall over that$#%&!@*lol


