What Happens When We Combine Steel Wool and a Bow

  • We love when we find a way to combine simple products to make an extraordinaray item!  These Self-Igniting Steel Wool Fire Arrows Will Strike Your Target Every Time!

    This is a fun little project that is simple to make and should be categorized under, “when I have some spare time and want to do something cool.

    To make this epic project all you need is some steel wool and a 9-volt battery. Depending on how much you have there is endless hours of target practice.

    One word of warning: Arrows are dangerous, like any weapon. Adding fire to them makes them more dangerous. Use your head when endeavoring this project. Use appropriate safety eyewear and handle the fire part of the project with extreme caution – including where you shoot the arrow.

    The video on the next page will show you how to convert your arrows into fun, auto-igniting fire-tipped arrows.

    Please Go To Page (2) To Find Out How You Can Build This Amazing Contraption…

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