[Video] Watch Out For These 10 Deadly Animals

  • While there are many dangerous things lurking in the wild we thought we would share with you the top 10 things you need to look for! Now anyone in their right mind would be crazy to go LOOKING for these animals but you give a man a camera and some airtime and apparently that is all it takes! Check out what he finds!

    Now I love being outdoors but you can BET that I will be keeping my eyes open! While some of these animals look as if they've come alive from the darkest parts of my nightmares (here's looking at you crazy looking turtle!) I personally do not want to be on the receiving end of their viciousness!


    Source: Brave Wilderness



    1. Corina Frances Purser said:

      And if it was a real turtle it would be trying to take his hand off makes me question whether it is a fake turtle in the picture. I’ve caught a snapping turtle and you don’t hold them that way


