[Video] Making a Compass Out of Things Found In The Wild

  • I hate being lost, then again, I don't know anyone who actually LIKES being lost unless they're simply trying to get away from the world.

    Most times, however, being lost is not something that many people would willingly do.

    Let's take into consideration that most of the society we are now faced with relies heavily on GPS just to get them from one side of town to the other. Uber and Lyft are now two of the top companies as less and less people are wanting to deal with the cost of driving so suffice it to say (at least for the most part) we have become a society that relies on other people or machines to get us where we need to be.

    While this may not be a bad thing it can prove harmful should we ever actually find ourselves in a survival scenario.

    In most cases, if you have a general sense of the direction you need to head, choosing a landmark to hold your bearings suffices, but if you don't have one or are not sure which direction is up you may find yourself in need of a compass!

    And chances are if this is you then you do not have one available offhand.

    Fortunately, even if you don't have a compass, there are options!

    So keep reading as the video shows a genius way of making a homemade compass out of the materials that mother nature has already given us.

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