[Video] Follow These Tips to Locate Fresh Water

  • When we gear up for a trip into the great outdoors, we have a list of supplies to pack into our bag. While food and medicine are important, a water bottle is our best friend, particularly when we’re in warm weather. We don’t even realize the reliance we have on water until we start getting parched. Most survivalists’ nightmares revolve around getting severely injured or being attacked by an animal in the wilderness. However, a lack of water quickly becomes an equally frightening scenario.

    Just as with building a fire or identifying which plants are edible, the ability to find and purify water is essential when spending extended periods of time outdoors. You never know when your water supply could run out or become lost. Luckily, you can use the landscape around you as clues when finding water even when you think the land is barren.

    Continue reading to learn tips & tricks for finding water when it’s seemingly impossible to do so!

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