Unexpected Hypothermia: How To Prevent It In The Spring & Summer

  • Winter may be over but that doesn't mean we still can't get hypothermia!

    One of the main reasons we love the wilderness is its weather. There's nothing like breathing in a brisk breeze of cool air in the fall and absorbing the warmth and Vitamin D from the sun in the spring. While the weather and the wilderness can refresh our spirits, there are just some things we can't control. We can't know what animals or injuries we might face so we mitigate the potential consequences of those by arming ourselves, bringing a first aid kit and knowing which plants can provide natural pain relief. We also can't control the temperature so whether it's blistering hot or freezing cold, we must learn how to survive in extreme environments.

    Even though we've entered the warmer months, there are still plenty of locations that have cold temperatures, especially at night. You might be traveling somewhere abroad that has those cold temperatures so it's important to know how to beat hypothermia. Even if you're not going to a cold place soon, there is still the possibility of entering waters that have maintained their winter chill and the longer you are in them the greater the chance of injury.

    Learn how to increase your chances of surviving by preventing hypothermia!

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