These Tips And Tricks Will Make Hunting Rabbits Successful Every Single Time!

  • Everyone wants to come back with hunting with a great catch or two. However, rabbits aren't always the easiest to hunt. These tips and tricks can change everything. You'll be amazed by how much better your hunting will be!

    Some Tips And Tricks For Hunting Rabbits Include:


    It’s important to understand what these animals like and what they don’t like. For example, they hate getting wet so you should be on the look out for dry ground. The ground should also be suitable for digging since they love to burrow. They also enjoy hiding in places like bushes. This makes wooded areas a particularly popular location.

    Food is another good indicator of the local wildlife. Look for a rich food source like berry bushes and take note of any damage to the plants.


    The first sign to look for is whether the hole is clear or not. If you notice a lot of plant debris at the entrance of the hole or if plants have started growing over the hole, then it’s easy to assume the hole to be vacant. If the entrance is clear and you can see that the leaves have been pushed aside, you can be fairly certain that you’ll find a good catch inside.

    If the soil around the hole is loose and fresh, then so is the hole itself, and this is a good sign. Of course, not all holes are rabbit holes and it’s important to check the angle along with the location. Rabbits don’t dig from the top down. Their holes are at an angle, and there are two main types. One is a “bolt hole” which is basically a hiding spot, and the larger one is their actual burrow.


    If you notice rabbits running in a particular direction when in flight, you should watch these routes since they will most likely reuse the same routes again.

    Damp and cooler days mean that rabbits will hide away in their holes which increases your chances of finding them.

    If the ground is dry and the humidity is low, this can result in a poor hunt if you’re using dogs. The dry air dries out the noses of the dogs and the ground does not hold the scent as long as it does when the ground is moist.

    If it is particularly windy, this can make hunting difficult. If possible, plan to hunt after several harsh frosts. This ensures that there are less hiding places and thereby increases visibility.


    This method involves using a long net as part of your capturing technique. These are usually used at night, and they are set between the holes and the source of food. The rabbits are chased from their meal and, as they return to their holes, they will encounter the net. This method is quite cheap since you need only purchase the nets.

    This technique is great for larger areas and, if you are familiar with the land, you will know where the main food source is and where many of the holes are. In most cases, a quick and humane kill is certain.

    You will need to take some time to perfect this technique. Due to the large scale of this method, you will need more than one person for the job.


    Provided you have the appropriate training, you will find this method quite a fun challenge. It can be combined with other hunting methods for the most effective and efficient hunting experience. Shooting is often used in conjunction with dogs and ferrets.


    It’s important to consider the amount of time and effort that it takes to train a dog for such an activity. Some things come naturally to dogs, and others need to be taught. Teaching your dog to follow a specific trail or scent doesn’t happen overnight, and you need to consider looking into professional training.

    Traps involve setting up a kind of box, pit or cage and placing bait to attract the animal. Once the trap is triggered, it will shut, and your catch will be waiting for you. This is a particularly cheap method of catching rabbits, and you can keep costs really low by making them yourself.

    It is also a really simple method, and you can reuse your traps time and time again. Traps work particularly well in smaller areas.

    On the downside, a trap will only catch a single rabbit each time. This means that you will need to check your traps regularly and bait them each time you set them up for reuse.

    Trapping works particularly well for those who are looking for a way of catching these animals rather than killing them.

    Snares consist of wire-based traps designed to trap the animal. These snares are really cost effective and, if you’re on a particularly tight budget, you can even make them yourself. Snares are able to yield large catches and can be used on any kind of land, regardless of its size.

    Setting your snares is not as easy as some might think, and you can easily get it wrong. Most people take some time before they master this technique. This method is not only illegal in certain areas, but it’s also seen as inhumane since animals can strangle to death or rip off fur and skin.

    Snares are known for getting lost and sometimes even stolen.

    These animals help you hunt by flushing out your prey. You will need to set up some nets around the hole to catch them as they run out.

    This method can be combined with the use of the long netting approach or a shotgun. On the plus side, rabbits don’t have much chance of escaping since all holes are searched, and the kill is humane.

    You may also need more than one person to get the job done. It is known for being quite physical so you will need a fair amount of energy. Ferreting is only permitted during early autumn and late winter.

    It is one of the most environmentally friendly techniques.

    One of the main disadvantages of this method is that professional falconers can be hard to come by. If you are contemplating investing in your own bird, you will need to really consider this choice very carefully since it takes time and patience to train your bird.

    When conducting your search, it is important to remember two things: hide your scent and take your time. Rushing the process will not prove worthwhile, and it should come as no surprise that rabbits have sharp noses. They will smell you coming so you need to mask your scent. Many experts recommend using baking soda to wash your clothes, on your boots, and you can add some do your odorless soap.

    It’s not all about how you hunt rabbits but also ensuring that you do so according to the local laws and regulations. In many cases, you will need to possess a valid permit.

    There really is a specific season for rabbit hunting. Doing so out of season can have serious consequences.

    As you can see, rabbit hunting is quite a process. You have to know what conditions the rabbits like and what they like to avoid. You have to pay attention to the holes they dig and also the weather to find out when you will have the most success at finding them. You also have to choose a method of hunting the rabbit. You can use nets, traps, snares, dogs, ferrets, Falcons or just a gun to help you. You also need to make sure you cover your scent, so the rabbits don't know you are coming. If you follow these tips and tricks, you will have the best chance of hunting down as many rabbits as you can.

    To learn more rabbit hunting tips and tricks, you can visit:

    Survival Mastery





    1. Tom Shortall said:

      “Tell me bout the Rabbits George, tell me how it’s gonna be”.

    2. Cole Lgd said:

      21 in the rain, not everything you read is true !!

    3. Doug Las said:

      Who writes this stuff? Someone from the Zoo? “using Ferrets and Falcons” to hunt them? And they “don’t come out in the rain”? I find they move around MORE in a light rain than no rain at all. Deer and other animals do too. Some of my best hunts have been in the rain.

    4. KC Tucker said:

      This is seriously worthless to me . Im in NW Ohio , Black Swamp Region . All you have to do is sit and wait . Dinner will be here shortly . And I hunt by crossbow . Dont waste ammo and its more silent .


