The Importance of Having a Manual Siphon

  • When society eventually falls into a SHTF crisis mode there are going to be many skills that are needed just to be able to function on a daily basis.  Some of these skills are not things that people today even think about let alone know how to accomplish. Among these skills will be the need to siphon liquids from one container into another.

    It’s not exactly something you may enjoy doing, but it may be necessary at one time or another. What will make it easier is a genuine manual siphon. This will cut down on the frustration that you have when attempting to siphon these liquids. In fact, it would be a good idea to have more than one available. No matter how much you clean your siphon you will not want to use the same one for water as you used for chemicals.That is not just unpleasant but pretty dangerous.

    Keep Reading To See Why This is Such An Important Piece of The Bug Out Bag!

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