Surviving Sub Zero Temps This Guy Did it With Only 3 Blankets

  • We all want to believe that when SHTF we all know how to survive, but do we?

    Hopefully, if that situation ever occurs we are prepared and ready. Our supplies are packed and our food is stored and we know exactly where to go and what to do.

    But what happens if we're not prepared? Could we survive with just a few blankets in the freezing sub-zero temps?

    Well, this next guy did just that.

    So what we have done is compile for you some information on the next page on how to stay alive in frigid temps as well as the video he released showing you exactly how he did it.

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    1. Sean Buckley said:

      In the army I went to the field one time without my sleeping bag in Germany in the winter time. Oh how I suffered for that. Blankets just didn’t cut it.

    2. Don Rohrig said:

      I alredy see more than three blankets and I didn’t open the site

    3. Bryan McPherson said:

      Lots of advertisements and bullshit when u click on die survivors page . I done with this s**t

    4. Blake A Shepherd said:

      We use to go out camping in the snow when it was in the teens or colder. Push the snow back make a small fire to last all night and a sleeping bag. The trick is to now wear cloths while in the bag. Use them as a pillow or to block the hole. Keep the hole open just enough to let alittle air in. Stay warm and sleep well all night.

    5. Kyle Forrest said:

      Do you want the guy to be walking through the woods naked with only three blankets? You’re pushing the boundaries of what my mind can handle

    6. Don Rohrig said:

      If he had presence of mind to bring three blankets, why not a tent and a heater instead? I apologize about the I don’t doubt that remark. It was just to easy

    7. Jim Jacobs said:

      Pffft. I once spent a -11° night out with nothing but one 3-1/2 point Whitney blanket and a deerskin to lay on. It’s very do-able, you just have to know what you’re doing. If you don’t though, don’t try it.

    8. Cory Berg said:

      Stitch a good quilt under a cowhide for the top One, Oh yea, got this, and don’t forget a hole for the chord

    9. Brian Paul Smith said:

      I just do- 12 last night under a tarp west of Calgath Alberta in the mountains. Came into town an hour ago. Tarp fire and a one burner for coffee

    10. Brian Paul Smith said:

      To a bear couguar or wolf the guy looks like a piece of meat in a soft taco shell just laying there in the snow waiting to be servered

    11. Donnie Senf said:

      4 years in the 6ID Light Alaska “Lightfighters.” Gimme a break.

    12. Daren Miller said:

      I pull the blanket over my head. The heat from exhaling will roast me at times. Lol


