Snow Banking Around Home For Warmth, Does It Work

  • As the chill of winter is still upon us we are all looking for ways to keep warm.

    There are some natural ways that we can help stay warm especially if you live in areas where large amounts of snowfall for weeks or months at a time.

    There are some theories going around on how to keep warm, and we are going to look at the theory of banking.

    So after the break keeps reading for the pros and cons of banking. After that let us know what you think and if this process has worked for you.

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    1. Dwayne Sanders said:

      Yes it does. Think about a snow cave or an igloo. Also, in extreme freezes citrus farmers coat their trees and fruit in ice to protect and insulate them.

    2. Doug Larson said:

      Snow is only 32 degrees . I am sure it would insulate from extreme cold, and keep the wind from chilling more.

    3. Dusty Lynnette Johnson said:

      It works! Anyone with wind and a poor insulated house or trailer house banks the house in the North. As soon as it warms up or the snow shrinks away from siding you know it when the cold hits again.

    4. Reid Karaba said:

      It does seem to have an effect but come spring and the snow begins to melt, the snow against the house can become a pool in the basement.

    5. Jim Riffel said:

      Heck yes it works, just like putting an extra blanket on the bed!


