Smartphones and Survival The Many Benefits of Technology

  • It seems that every couple of months one of the major smartphone producing companies comes out with a newer and better phone that everyone must have. We are fooled into believing that we need these phones so much that may of us will camp outside the store like its Christmas just to get our hands on one of these phones. We put our names on lists and wait for the ca.l or email saying that our new phone has arrived.

    But what happened to our old phone. The one that was built like a brick or saw us through every up and down of our lives for the last few years. Do we just get rid of it? Throw it away like yesterday's garbage?

    While recycling is a wise decision, as a survivalist you may want to consider saving your smartphone and adding to your bug out bag for when the grid goes down.

    After the break check out some great tips on how you can use your old smartphones to your advantage with SHTF. 

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