Hunt Beehives The Way Our Ancestors Did

  • Have you ever heard of the phrase, “make a beeline for it?” It typically means that someone or something takes direct and swift movement toward their target. The phrase was originally derived from the way that honeybees return to their hive after feeding in the wild. They go quickly and deliberately back and forth between their foraging destination and their home. Turns out, this beeline can be particularly helpful if you're trying to harvest wild honeybees. The location of the bees' hive, and your end goal, is appropriately called a “bee tree.”

    The ability to locate a bee tree requires some patience and strategy. You need to have the correct equipment and know how it to properly use it. Once you're able to locate your first hive, you'll find other ones easier and easier. It might be advantageous to team up with someone who has successfully found wild beehives in the past so that you can see them in action and learn from their experience. Thanks to our ancestors, we have a method called “beelining” to further increase our chances of finding that highly coveted honeybee hive.

    Continue reading to find out what it takes to locate a wild beehive! 

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