How To Make a SlingBow in a Few Easy Steps.

  • If you are looking for something great for target or hunting practice, this easy to make slingbow is perfect!

    Hunting is a valuable skill that many of us like to pass down to our children when they are old enough. We want to give them something easy to practice with that doesn't require much effort. This way target practice will be fun but also safe for them.

    Many people turn to the bow and arrow when teaching about target practice. However, these can be pricey and may even be hard to handle for beginners. A good alternative is a slingbow. It is similar to a slingshot but uses arrows. All you need to do to make your own is a few basic tools and a little bit of time and patience. Then you will have a slingbow that is just right for target practice and works amazing every single time!

    We Have Gathered The Materials And The Step By Step Directions You Need To Build A SlingBow And They Can Be Found On The Next Page. 

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    1. Ray Hess said:

      Rubber bands break, and aren’t easy to come by in the woods. I can make an atlatl in about 10 minutes with nothing but my bushcraft knife (which I also made out of scrap metal in a makeshift forge) and “darts” (really more like an arrow on steroids) from common river cane. I’d wager an atlatl dart hits a bit harder than an arrow from a sling bow too, but I could be wrong. At any rate, the sling bow is nifty, but genuine bush skills that make use of what is found in the environment rather than relying on synthetic materials are a far cry better IMO

      Btw I am a professional writer and lifelong naturalist (survivalist is too severe, I thrive in the wilderness, I “survive” in the modern world, and just barely at that) so, ya know, if you want some new material about actual primitive skills and weapons, I’m available. I teach this stuff too.

    2. Francis Lennarz said:

      What would be interesting to see is how to make one from scratch, including the slingshot, by using everyday items. In case one did not nave access to a manufactured slingshot.


