How To Find The Way Back To Civilization When Lost

  • Getting lost is a fear that many people have. The wilderness can be a dangerous place and we hear all the time of hikers losing their way and encountering predatory animals, harsh weather conditions, and other dangers.

    Many of them, if they are found, are usually malnourished, dehydrated and suffering from exhaustion. They are often found far from civilization wandering in circles going further and further in the wrong direction.

    So how does one find their way back to civilization should they ever find themselves in this postion? If the cell phone dies and you have no other way of truly knowing where you are? We asked that question and have found some answers for you.

    So sit back and relax and let's look at how we can all find our way back should we ever get lost. 

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    1. Linda Holder said:

      Tried to read this story but got lost in advertisements. How do I find my way back?

    2. Kyle Wisotski said:

      Try “How to find the way to lose civilization to find one self when oppressed”


