Hidden in Plain Sight: The Best & Simplest Spot to Hide Protection

  • We all want to feel safe. There is something about being able to lay your head down at night knowing you do not have to sleep with one eye open.

    I know that for my home we are able to sleep very well because we have put into place many different assurances to guarantee our sleep is not interrupted. For example of our video surveillance system, our dogs (although they're super sweet you do NOT want to walk in the house uninvited & unknown to them) and lastly, well….let's just say there are other means of protection that are preserved by this great nations Constitution.

    Most of these means, other than the dogs, most people are totally unaware of because while we do have them in place we also take great care in concealing their presence from the general public.  In order to do so with that last one, we wanted something that is easily accessible yet concealed from everyone else.

    So let's keep reading and find out how we made the perfect hiding spot that keeps important things out of the range of the naked eye.

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    One Comment;

    1. Joshua D Hammon said:

      Except for they are so highly advertised now that its probably the first place people are going to look for valuables.


