Hidden in Plain Sight: The Best & Simplest Spot to Hide Protection


    Everyone preparing for a SHTF moment was reminded of the importance of maintaining access to their protection while also keeping it hidden when not in use.

    This simple but effective plan is one everyone should adapt

    To get started, you’ll want to pick up some essentials:

    • A good sized picture for your wall. Stretched canvas prints work great
    • 2 wall mounts
    • 2 fitting brackets
    • A screwdriver and a hammer or mallet

    Step 1.

    • Mount two brackets into the picture frame using a 1-3/8” wide drill bit for a perfect circle to inlay the cabinet style bracket.
    • The brackets only need to be 3/4” deep.

    Step 2.

    Mount to wall using wall mounts.
    Hammer two L hooks (use your judgement) into the wall a decent length apart to support the weight of the rifle.

    Step 3.

    Add motion detectors to the inside of the picture frame to set an alarm in case your hiding spot is disturbed!

    Hiding in plain sight allows the owner quick access while maintaining safety yet concealing when not in use.

    This particular method achieves both, which gives the owner an edge if they are facing a critical SHTF moment.

    To see the full instructions and schematics, please visit Survival Life.

    One Comment;

    1. Joshua D Hammon said:

      Except for they are so highly advertised now that its probably the first place people are going to look for valuables.


