Create A Customized Bug-Out Bag For Survival

  • Each family is different when it comes to their needs so these specialized bug out bags allow you to narrow down what you’ll use when SHTF. Because each bag has a different purpose, you’ll be able to locate crucial items faster when in an emergency scenario. Plus, it makes the bags more mobile in case you need to change locations in a hurry.

    #1: The Medic Bag

    The medic bag contains your group or family’s medical supplies. Include a laminated card with each member’s details and medical history; be sure to list their full name, blood type, next-of-kin with the most recent contact details and their allergies. Your kit should also contain antibiotics, painkillers, alcohol, bandages, stitches, burn gel and/or cream, clean wipes, surgical scissors, a scalpel, cotton wool, a syringe (and the knowledge to use it!) and any other medical supplies you would normally keep in your first aid kit. Prescription medication can be arranged in advance with your doctor or pharmacist.

    #2: The Bag of Documents

    Your family’s important documents can include birth certificates, passports, doctor’s reports, financial information and wills; this is by no means an exhaustive list. Consider backing up your information on DVD or Blu-Ray to keep in your bag of documents. Store hard copy documents in plastic sleeves. Make sure your bag can withstand elements like water, and make sure you don’t store your documents with (or next to) anything that can catch fire or explode.

    #3: The Hiker’s Bag

    The hiker’s bag should be taken if you’re planning on going on a hiking trip. Practicality is your main goal here, and you’re looking to cover all of the bases. Take enough food to sustain yourself on the walk and for a while after should you get stuck, take along your first-aid basics, a knife, a fold-up walking stick, plenty of water and purification tablets, a map and compass and a fire-starter kit. Again, this is not an exhaustive list, just the basics.

    #4: The Mechanic’s Kit

    The mechanic’s kit should contain the most portable tools you can find – a simple online search on Amazon will give you hundreds of options for portable tools – and odds-and-ends like wire, cable ties, glue, duct tape, rope, nails, screws, nuts and bolts. Keep documents like your car’s repair handbook with this too: Digital backups are available, will take up much less space.

    #5: The Tech Junkie’s Kit

    he tech junkie’s kit should be exceptionally well-padded and contain a laptop that can withstand some damage (like the Sony Vaio), replacement cables, an additional camera (of higher quality), blank DVD’s, spare parts, an operating system on DVD (should you need to re-install your system on the go), a power bank or solar power kit, a screwdriver kit, a USB dongle (yes, even if you have a router), a mouse, backup batteries, a backup celllphone and a signal strengthener.

    Have you already packed any of these specialized bug out bags? What do you recommend keeping in yours?

    Article Source: Survival Cache


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