Life-Hacks articles

[Video] How To Use a Nut Wrench To Open a Lock

Unlocking things is one of the most common things that we do on a daily basis. It is one of those activities that we do no think about as it has become second nature for everyone over the age of 5. But what happens if you do not have a key! Suddenly that thing that

[Video] 7 Salt Life Hacks Everyone Needs to Know

There are so many things that when mixed together become better and stronger. They create new and exciting ways to solve problems and one of the ingredients I found myself working with this past week is one every home has sitting on the dinner table! Salt. Salt is an untapped substance that can be used

[Video] Give Your Junk Drawer a Makeover At No Cost

Let’s face it. Sooner or later we’re going to need to enter the spring cleaning phase. There are some rooms in our homes that don’t need much attention, such as a guest room that remains fairly organized and untouched. Other spaces, such as a garage, attic, basement and closet can be the most overwhelming areas to

7 Natural Ways to Sleep Better

Our nights are usually spent having dinner, watching our favorite TV shows and generally relaxing. We unwind from the day we’ve had and rejuvenate ourselves for the next day. One of the most critical parts of how we feel the next day is our sleep quality. It’s not just about the number of hours we

The Best Ways To Use Activated Charcoal

Lately is seems that you cannot turn on the television, go online or pick up a magazine without seeing yet another product on the market that is boasting about the amazing benefits of activated charcoal. Now it is true that this item is really a gift from nature and can, in fact, help with a
