7 Weeds That Can Be Used as Livestock Feed

  • Whenever people mention weeds I think back to the summers of picking weeds out of my grandmother's gardens. I hated it. It was hot, sticky and frankly, I would rather have been doing anything else than picking weeds. It was backbreaking work and I hated it.

    Not once, however, did I think that those weeds would be valuable food for livestock. In fact, I don't think I ever thought about it until a friend of mine mentioned he read an article online that mentioned it.

    So when I got home I pulled out my trusty laptop and did my own research and sure enough he was right!

    So what I have done is compiled for you on the next page some of the information that I have found. Hopefully, if you have livestock or know of someone who does, this information will prove useful.

    So sit back and relax and let's look at what kind of invasive weeds actually make for some good food for your animals. 

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