7 Plants That Are Downright Fool Proof

  • With spring here, you can’t deny that the urge to have plants and flowers around you is strong. Those plants not only provide us with essential oxygen, but they also give our yards and our homes unique pops of color.

    If you have a history of successfully planting your flowers, then springtime is the perfect opportunity to show off your green thumb. You’ve developed a gardening routine that gives your plants the perfect amount of love and attention.

    However, not all of us are gifted with that ability. Some of us end up killing each and every plant we’ve ever owned, no matter how small or low maintenance it is (also known as a black thumb). But don’t get discouraged! There are certain plants and shrubs that are resilient enough to overpower the black thumb.

    Continue on to see which shrubs are strong enough to grow no matter what!

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