12 Ways Our Grandparents Used Newspaper & Why We Should Too

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    3. Seed pots. You can make your own seed pots by following these easy steps:

    • Cut sheets of newspaper in halves or thirds, depending on the size of seed pot you want. Avoid pages with color because the ink contains heavy metals.
    • Roll the newspaper so that it circles a glass jar or aluminum can with a few inches of paper, also extending above the opening of the container.
    • Push the paper that is above the container opening inside, so that the pieces are securely wrapped around the lip of the jar or can.
    • Turn the container over and gently remove the jar or cup.
    • Use the bottom of the jar or can to tamp down the inverted ends, so the bottom of the newspaper pot is secure.
    • Add soil and seeds, and the seed pot is ready to plant. The newspaper holds moisture so that your growing plant will not be over- or under-watered.

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